A Weeley Good Weekend Rally 19


A Weeley Good Weekend Rally 19

Homestead Rally Field 10th-12th May 2024


A return to beautiful Homesteads is always one to attend - such a picturesque venue.

20 caravan/motor homes made the journey to what was a sunny and eventful weekend.

I know I am sad but, what a lovely field! 


1st up was a ‘seaside’ themed quiz on Friday evening, refreshments were provided as we settled down to answer some taxing questions.

Who knew ! 

One question required our marshal Dave K to sing….. Breaking seamlessly from quiz master to soft crooner tones ♪ ♪ Oh I do like to be beside the seaside ♪ ♪ gentle sounds resonated throughout the event tents.  At this point I knew two things, The 1st was the question answer ‘Tiddely-om-pom-pom’.  2nd was that Dave cannot sing!  All taken in good fun, it was a good fun evening.

Keep singing Dave, X factor beckons.


Late Friday night the North Lights put on a spectacular display.  The sky was crystal clear with a perfect view of a crescent moon and multiple stars.


Saturday I decided to take my granddaughter fishing on the lake, she did better than I and caught 4 fish!


Saturday evening we were back over the event tents for a round of bingo.  I am not sure how many 4 pints of milk the marshals had to drink to create the bingo numbers but the local cows must have been working overtime to produce it.


Our three 1st ralliers and three visitors appeared to enjoy themselves, I feel sure we will see them again.


The venue was up to its usual standard, very well maintained.  Geese, ducks, water fountains and tree lined views in the sunshine added to a lovely weekend.

Kerry’s envelope quiz kept us guessing as well.


Thank you to Dave & Sandy K, Brian & Kerry S for all your hard work.




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